Please do visit Nithya Nilayam to buy or sample the Herbal Infusions/Tisanas.


New Herbal Infusions/Tisanas for Summer 2024 include Skanda Kumara, Nithya Lah, Nithya Green, Nandi, Shirdi Sai Baba, Bambooji, Bhole Bamboo, Bamboonatha, Flower of Bamboo, Flower of the Himalaya, Tamas Chai and many others, Rosa Kumara.


New & freshly made below!



The History


These exquisites preparations are made by Kriyaji with the help of Babaji and Siddha Agastyar using ancient yogic preparation also known in the world as ayurvedic.


This ancient way of healing with the fruits provided by our Mother Nature is an incredible gift shared with us by true yogis.


Kriyaji, being the Son of Mahavatar Babaji the “Immortal Yogi”, also known as Haidakhan Baba in its last incarnation, is sharing with us this ancient way of healing and keeping the body young and beautiful by reading the body, the soul, the nadis and the entire needs of the human body on levels unknown to man.


All chais and infusions are made with mostly organic selected herbs, flowers, leaves and roots for the purpose of healing. They all have different properties assisting the entire body system to return to its harmonious functioning.


The Ingredients


All herbs and spices used for the preparation of all infusions and chais are mostly organic and some of them are also organically grown at Nithya Nilayam.


Tisanes and Infusions


Tisane is a non–caffeine herbal tea made from an infusion or a decoction of herbs and flowers. Are the so called natural herbal teas made with specific ingredients and care, a natural organic formula where herbs and certain types of flowers and spices are infused in water having the correct medical properties necessary for the so called treatment of the specific elements of the patience.


Sometimes, tisanes are made from a blend of plant types or from multiple parts of the same plant.

Tisanes may also be classified as medicinal or not. They can be calming, sedative, relaxing or invigorating, depending of the types of ingredients.


While many tisanes are high in antioxidants and nutrients, some have long histories of medicinal use, while others are typically consumed for simple enjoyment.


The Procedure


To create each tisane, Kriyaji collects herbs and flowers from Babaji’s Garden where all the plants, flowers and trees are all been water and fed regularly with the Abhishek water from the various deities residing at Nithya Nilayam. The water is all charged with different mantras and prayers therefore the flower; trees and herbs are all very well taken care of on different levels. All herbs and flowers grown at Nithya Nilayam are free from pesticides or any other harmful ingredients; the whole process is organic.


From feeding and watering the plants, to collecting flowers and herbs is all a time consuming work, down to wash them and organically drying them in correct location is part of the entire process of creating and elaborating on a special type of infusion.


The grinding, dosages and mixing is all done by the hands of Kriyaji during Her spare precious time, She dedicates to each of the Gods a gift from nature.


It is a way to return to simplicity and natural medical treatment based on what nature provides for us, rather than the strong and harmful chemical known as medicine.


Every tisane or infusion is like a gentle medicine in its natural form, charged with loving prayer and the special blessing from the Divinity of Kriyaji.






Almora Baba Infusion

A special infusion made with green tea, blueberries and mint is dedicated to Almora Baba an incarnation of Babaji.

The hint of mint makes this infusion refreshing and calming, and for the lover of strong green tea this infusion is a must.



Bhole Baba Infusion

This is a soothing and healing infusion dedicated to Sri Babaji, carrying the delicate fragrance of life, the scented life of the Immortal One. It is made mainly with organically grown roses grown in Babaji’s garden Temple. Babaji loves roses and oranges and therefore the infusion it also contains organic orange peel and some clove.

By the Gods, roses are considered divine flowers, and they carry a lot of healing properties. They can be eaten like the fruits of divinity carrying the vitamins necessary for the healing of the heart. The rose is rich in vitamin C and the orange peel is also rich in vitamin C and calcium.

It is good as a night-time drink, or can be taken at any time of the day. It is calming and refreshing.



Surya Nadi Infusion and Chai

Surya nadi infusion and chai is been prepared for the sake of helping the more active nadi within the body, the Pingala nadi, to come to a much more restful play.


Nadis are channels where the energy of the subtle body flows either in or from the chakras. They are connecting and also corresponding to the nerves found in the physical body. At times the nadis get stressed and overworked and therefore giving the body a restless feel and a disharmonious imbalance of the nervous system.


The Surya nadi infusion and chai is made with camomile, lemongrass, ginger and a touch of aniseed. It is a delicate and soft aromatic tisanes. It assists in calming the nervous system. It helps with insomnia, digestion and re-balancing of the immune system and hormonal imbalances.


It can be taken with water as an infusion before going to bed or when feeling highly stress and on edge, or with mild and honey it also works wonders!



Christopher Infusion

Christopher infusion is made with bay leaves and goji berries.

Native to the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet and Mongolia. Gojis berries have been used for thousands of years in Tibet and China, both as a culinary ingredient and medicinally. It is a unique among fruits because they contain all essential amino acids. Gojis also have the highest concentration of protein of any fruit. They are also loaded with vitamin C. It is good for reducing bloated-ness and stress.


When left to brew for a long time minimum of 1 hour, it gives the impression of drinking a warming broth or like miso soup.

Calming and relaxing



Durga Infusion

Apples skin, passiflora, Lemon Verbena, ginger, lemon peel and clove.



Yeshua Infusion

A delicate and calming infusion dedicated to Lord Jesus. With orange, bay leaves and other ingredients, this infusion creates a delicate drink for both days and nights.

The calming and healing effects of bay gives the soul a time to rest and retreat from mundane life. It brings clarity of thought. It is calming and sedative when taken at night allowing the person’s mind and body to rest and to go into a much more restful sleep. It is good for the re-balancing and strengthening of the entire body system.



Lakshmi Narayan Infusion

Lakshmi Narayan is a very healing infusion harmonising the emotional body.

Golden in taste, it gives the aroma of a relaxing exotic flavour. It contains Tulsi, known as Holy Basil, and Marigold.

Tulsi is a holy plant in India, it has marvellous healing qualities. Tulsi is rich in mineral, it contains iron, manganese and potassium.

It is also rich in vitamins C, E and K. Tulsi assist the protection and purification of the blood, acting on the circulatory level. It is anti-bacterial and it is recommended for respiratory problems, like infection of the lungs and asthma.

Marigold is an anti-septic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic. It is very healing and calming.